The Middle Years Programme

The International School of Tallinn (IST) offers the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) for middle school students aged 11 to 16. This student-centered program encourages students to draw connections across eight subject groups while striving to positively impact their local and global communities.


The MYP at IST focuses on developing independent and interdependent learners who draw upon strong academic skills of inquiry, critical thinking, and analysis to discover and apply new knowledge. It offers students opportunities to develop their potential, explore their own learning preferences, take appropriate risks, and reflect on and develop a strong sense of personal identity.

For more detailed information about the Middle Years Programme (MYP), please refer to the IST-Middle Years Programme Parent Handbook.

The IB Middle Years Programme

Teaching and Learning

Conceptual and Relevant Learning

Our curriculum is organized to ensure teaching and learning are conceptual and relevant to the lives and experiences of our students. Conceptual learning supports student inquiry, fostering deeper academic understanding and interdisciplinary learning.

Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills

As students develop, they learn how to be learners. This process is supported by weaving 21st-century skills into the heart of the curriculum. ATL skills provide the foundation for independent learning, helping students develop skills in research, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and self-management.

Key Components of the MYP

Personal Project (PP):

The Personal Project is the culminating project for Grade 10 students. It allows them to showcase how they have developed as learners. Students choose a topic of interest, conduct in-depth research, and present a product or outcome demonstrating their learning. The Personal Project Handbook provides detailed guidance.


Service as Action (SA):

Service as Action is an integral part of the MYP, encouraging students to be caring members of the global community by making a positive difference. The Service as Action guide details how students engage in meaningful service activities.


Unit (IDU):

When two or more disciplines collaborate to develop a unit, students engage with topics in holistic ways, offering a broader approach to the curriculum and its ties to global contexts.

Estonian Language:

Estonian is offered to all MYP students as the host country language. This provides an advantage for students to learn Estonian in addition to English and a foreign language of choice.

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Middle Years Subject Groups:

The learning success of Middle School students is measured against a criterion-related assessment system developed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Each subject, interdisciplinary unit and projects within the MYP has a set of criteria used to measure student success. Teachers organize continuous and varied assessments over the course of the programme.

Subject Group DisciplineCourses offered to Grade   6 – 7Courses offered to Grade 8Courses offered to Grade 9Courses offered to Grade 10
Language and LiteratureEnglish Language and LiteratureEnglish Language and LiteratureEnglish Language and LiteratureEnglish Language and Literature
Language acquisitionRussian, German, Spanish and FrenchGerman, Spanish and FrenchGerman, Spanish and FrenchGerman, Spanish and French
SciencesIntegrated SciencesIntegrated SciencesPhysics, Chemistry and BiologyPhysics, Chemistry and Biology
ArtArt and MusicArt and MusicArt and MusicArt and Music
Physical and Health EducationPhysical and Health EducationPhysical and Health EducationPhysical and Health EducationPhysical and Health Education
Individuals and SocietiesIndividuals and SocietiesIndividuals and SocietiesIndividuals and SocietiesIndividuals and Societies

Middle School Assessment:

Subject Group DisciplinesABCD
Language and LiteratureAnalyzingOrganizingProducing textUsing language
Language AcquisitionListeningReadingWritingSpeaking
Individuals and SocietiesKnowing and understandingInvestigatingCommunicatingThinking critically
SciencesKnowing and understandingInquiring and designingProcessing and evaluatingReflecting on the impacts of science
MathematicsKnowing and understandingInvestigating patternsCommunicatingApplying mathematics in real-life contexts
ArtsInvestigatingDevelopingCreating / PerformingEvaluating
Physical and Health EducationKnowing and understandingPlanning for performanceApplying and performingReflecting and improving performance
DesignInquiring and analyzingDeveloping ideasCreating the solutionEvaluating
MYP ProjectsPlanningApplying skillsReflecting

Semester and Final Grades:

Grades for all subjects will be calculated from the scores in the eight individual subjects, as per International Baccalaureate (IB) expectations. Each subject has its own table of grade boundaries, showing how the level obtained using subject criteria is converted into an overall MYP level from 1 to 7. (These are automatically calculated by the ManageBac based on the sum of achievement levels).


Why choose the Middle Years Programme at IST?

IST-Middle-Years-Programme Children are not the generation of tomorrow, they are the generation of today. Students need a program that is focused on preparing them to be innovative thinkers, problem-solvers, and inquirers. Our programme equips the students at IST with the skills and attitudes needed to progress in their learning and understanding, and to continue to grow and develop as lifelong learners. We aim to empower our students to be active community members, global citizens, and skilled enough to succeed in jobs that are not even created yet. Choosing IST will not only give your student the key ingredients for the future but a passport to the world.