
IST Library offers a variety of books in different languages and genres: fiction and nonfiction in English and Estonian. We have a selection of books in Russian, French and German to support our language studies.

Our teachers are actively working to complement the selection of the library with classics and modern educational literature. Librarians Mrs. Kaitie and Mrs. Keiu are responsible for the overall organization, cataloging, and new acquisitions. IST’s aim is to have a library that supports the development of children of all ages.

Books can be rented by all students and staff of the school. You can rent with an Estonian ID-card or a student card given out by Valnes. The IST library has joined the Riksweb system, which connects the Estonian libraries. This makes finding a necessary book convenient from any smart device.


The library is open at scheduled times and the student is assisted by a teacher or one of the librarians present at that time. The library is also actively used for teaching purposes. The full library schedule can be found on the library door.

The library is open to receiving donations from the Tallinn community. Contact us at and give your book a new life!